Hello Baptist, hello everybody
... in about a month I will be fortunate enough to receive a major heritage (of about 700k). I take this event as an opportunity to finally clean up my investment mess. Therefore I have started to sell my existing (ofc totally overpriced
) funds and transfer the money to IBKR and opening some position there. My goal is to have everything transferred and invested after my last illiquid fund will be payed out in January 2025 (!). All in all I want to put around 85% in VT and 5% each in VSS, SPSM and maybe a swiss stock ETF (any suggestions?). Sounds reasonable for the risky part of my portfolio?
My question is more about the execution tough: I know, we should NEVER try to time markets. I know "time in the market beats market timing". I know crashes may or may not play out over an extended period of time etc. ... I get the reasoning ... BUT ... I think I will not be able to pull it of in praxis. The idea to invest maybe 70% of my wealth (second pillar aside) in one day, only to see maybe a 10% correction or worse during the next day or week is just to much for me. I think I still prefer the relative "security" of cost averaging over a few months, even if that costs me a bit if expected return (bc. of less exposure time), just in order to rule out the possibility of having invested a fortune on the eve of a crash (i.e. the worst possible day of the decade).
Any thoughts about this? Am I behaving irrationaly or shoud I stick to my "cautious" but in theory slightly losing plan, so I can avoid a "bad beat"?
Thanks for your opinions
... in about a month I will be fortunate enough to receive a major heritage (of about 700k). I take this event as an opportunity to finally clean up my investment mess. Therefore I have started to sell my existing (ofc totally overpriced

My question is more about the execution tough: I know, we should NEVER try to time markets. I know "time in the market beats market timing". I know crashes may or may not play out over an extended period of time etc. ... I get the reasoning ... BUT ... I think I will not be able to pull it of in praxis. The idea to invest maybe 70% of my wealth (second pillar aside) in one day, only to see maybe a 10% correction or worse during the next day or week is just to much for me. I think I still prefer the relative "security" of cost averaging over a few months, even if that costs me a bit if expected return (bc. of less exposure time), just in order to rule out the possibility of having invested a fortune on the eve of a crash (i.e. the worst possible day of the decade).
Any thoughts about this? Am I behaving irrationaly or shoud I stick to my "cautious" but in theory slightly losing plan, so I can avoid a "bad beat"?
Thanks for your opinions
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