Employed full time with a new side-gig. What should I do?


New member
I'm employed full time in Geneva and have this opportunity to start a low-volume, regular side-gig (with a Co based in the EU)...
What's the best way to organise myself so I can enjoy the most of this new revenue source?
  • simple invoice as a person?
  • I should create a small legal entity here to collect these payments
  • something else?
TIA for your advice.

You will have to make sure your current employer agrees with this new activity and that it will not impact the quality of your full-time work.

If you receive more than 2300 CHF per year, you will need to pay AHV and declare a legal entity. It can be a sole proprietorship or an LLC.
Thank you Baptiste. I will receive more than this amount each month. Where can I find more details on declaring a legal entity and do you consult (paid) on what's the best way to organize my finances to handle this new setup?
I don't do any consultation (no time for that really).
All my knowledge about the setup is here:

And here is you want to go the LLC route:
