VIAC's life insurance - any thoughts?


Active member
Hi all.
I just was pointed to this:
It appears not having any strings attached: if you die or become invalid (at least 70% IV), you or your heirs will receive 25% additional payout.
What do you think about this? It doesn't look/sound like all the other "3A with life insurance" scams.

These are pure-risk life insurance. It can be a good product if you need it (usually much better than a life insurance 3a).
They have two products. The Basic is free for you if you have a 3a with them, and you get something based on your assets with them. It's a nice benefit if you already have a 3a with them, but not enough of an criteria to decide for them in most cases.
The Plus product is a pure risk life insurance, same as provided by many providers. It can be interesting if you want a pure-risk life insurance, apparently, they have decent premiums.
Thank you @Baptiste Wicht
I'm a total noob when it comes to "life insurance": can you explain what a "pure-risk" one is, and what are the other options?
As of now I'm with Finpension, but for someone who's got kids, maybe the VIAC with "Life Basic" isn't a bad option compared to Finpension?
A pure-risk life insurance is an insurance where you only get something if you die before term. You are only paying a premium for the risk itself and the insurance overs the risk during the term.

The alternative is a life insurance with a capital at the term. This is what 3a/3b life insurance is doing and it sucks because the capital appreciation is way too low and the fees are way too high.

If you feel you need life insurance (most people don't, we have coverage for death in the second pillar for instance), then you should take a full coverage, Life Basic will not be enough.

Thanks for the additional info and the link to your blog post.

It's quite complicated, how 1st and 2nd pillars are treated when it comes to death. I understand that from one perspective, it should be better to let the 2nd pillar be paid out in full when retiring: this, because if you instead decide to have a monthly pension, when you die your capital will not be paid out to your heirs, but it will go back to the pension fund. OTOH, if you live long enough to exhaust the equivalent of your capital in form of monthly pension, you're better of NOT retrieving the capital but instead choose the pension... correct me if I'm wrong.
You are right. If you can get more returns than the conversion rate, you should get the capital. If you are not going to live long, you should get the capital. If you are going to live long and cannot generate enough returns from the capital, you should get the pension. Of course, estimating how long one will live is very difficult.