which ETF/ETC for Gold to buy?


New member
Anybody has any experience with these ETF/ETC?
Le meilleur ETF et ETC or selon le rendement sur un an au 31/10/2024
1 iShares Physical Gold GBP Hedged ETC +41,69%
2 Xtrackers Physical Gold GBP Hedged ETC +41,29%
3 Invesco Physical Gold GBP Hedged ETC +41,27%
Classement de tous les ETF et ETC or en fonction de leur rendement: https://www.justetf.com/fr/search.h...=desc&rpe=rpeEom&groupField=none&tab=overview

Le plus grand ETF et ETC or en fonction du volume du fonds en EUR
1 Invesco Physical Gold A 15 832 M
2 iShares Physical Gold ETC 15 734 M
3 Xtrackers IE Physical Gold ETC Securities 4 898 M
Classement de tous les ETF et ETC or en fonction du volume du fonds: https://www.justetf.com/fr/search.h...e&sortOrder=desc&groupField=none&tab=overview

L’ETF et ETC or le plus avantageux en fonction des frais totaux sur encours
1 Xtrackers IE Physical Gold ETC Securities 0,11% p.a.
2 Amundi Physical Gold ETC (C) 0,12% p.a. (The ETC is backed by physical allocated gold held by HSBC Bank plc (the custodian). Each physical bar is segregated, individually identified and allocated.)
3 Invesco Physical Gold A 0,12% p.a.
Classement de tous les ETF et ETC or en fonction des frais totaux sur encours: https://www.justetf.com/fr/search.h...er&sortOrder=asc&groupField=none&tab=overview
I have started with a bit GLDM recently... but Gold is expensive... it's a nightmare, everything is expensive besides of SPI 😅
Regarding gold, I've been using the ETF EUWAX Gold II.

It is smaller than the ones you refered too, but has a amazing 0% TER. I was kind of surprised by that though and reached out to the fund manager (which is the Stuttgart Stock Exchange), and they very transparently explained that they could afford that by having a buying spread more important than other ETFs (it can go until 1%, while some big ETF are as low as 0.1%). But I think that it remains more interesting on the long run.

Also, what convinced me is that they offer the possibility at any time and without fees to convert the ETF shares into physical gold, that can be picked up in Stuttgart (1 ETF share = 1g of gold). They hold full physical reserves of the fund, which was reassuring to me, and they are pretty close to Switzerland.