Your Asset Allocation?

Do you stick to the quality funds? How are they working for you so far?
So far, so good. But I am not really basing decision on anything formal. This is something I wanted to try and my 3a was a good place to try. This is still very well diversified, so I am not diverging too much from my strategy.
To be precise, you are only holding CSIF (CH) III Equity World ex CH Quality -Pension Fund DB in finpension as a single fund? :)
It would indeed and would avoid any rebalancing fees as well.
Just checked Finpension. Since they only have a 'pauschale Verwaltungsgebühr', there are no direct fees associated with buying, selling or rebalancing. But I'm not sure if such transactions incur indirect costs that are not shown.
Just checked Finpension. Since they only have a 'pauschale Verwaltungsgebühr', there are no direct fees associated with buying, selling or rebalancing. But I'm not sure if such transactions incur indirect costs that are not shown.
Actually, most of the funds have load fees and sell fees. So, this is a fee in favor of the fund, but if you rebalance often, this could become expensive.

To be precise, you are only holding CSIF (CH) III Equity World ex CH Quality -Pension Fund DB in finpension as a single fund? :)

Location: Switzerland

Age: 32

Allocation investment account:
60% stocks
40% crypto

Specific allocations: 90% AAPL (from 2015), 5% LAZR (new), 5% DDD (new)

Rebalancing: yearly