How do you invest?

How do you invest?

  • Investing mandate with a bank

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Roboadvisor (e.g. TrueWealth, Selma)

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Do it myself

    Votes: 13 92.9%

  • Total voters


New member
I choose to invest via a "classic" investing mandate with a bank + a roboadvisor. Yeah, I know the cost drawbacks but I'm lazy (also removes any emotional side of the equation that I might have to some extent).

Used to do some single stock picking and funds but come tax season, I was glad the above offered e-tax uploadedable documents that automatically fill everything in.

Wondering how many delegate this also? If so, what do you use?
i chose a bank who handles one part of my portfolio, i do stockpicking for another part, then i chose Truewealth for a small part to "see how they perform" ... Truewealth has the best performance frankly ! you can try their demo account. their costs are low (below 0,50%). they only invest in ETFs... in case you are interested, i can sponsor you and you will get half costs (and me too :)...
i chose a bank who handles one part of my portfolio, i do stockpicking for another part, then i chose Truewealth for a small part to "see how they perform" ... Truewealth has the best performance frankly ! you can try their demo account. their costs are low (below 0,50%). they only invest in ETFs... in case you are interested, i can sponsor you and you will get half costs (and me too :)...
Using TrueWealth as my Roboadvisor as a matter of fact already ;) Can't complain so far.

It was either that or Selma. Never considered CleverCircles and others.