Splint Invest - worth it ?


New member
Hi there,

Qoqa has an offer for Splint Invest today. And I wondered if anyone ever dig deeper on this and if it is an interesting and safe way of investing ?

I never dig deeper but for me it's just a craze. By investing in these products, you will have very little diversification.
On top of that, you have to pay 2% of the sale value when it's done, which is not cheap. And finally, there are also variable costs for storage and insurance, which are not disclosed but included in the buy price.
Hi Superkikim

I’m Aurelio Perucca, CEO & Co-Founder of Splint Invest. I came across this discussion and felt compelled to step in after seeing the response from the host, Baptiste. I believe it's important to address some inaccuracies and provide clarity.

First and foremost, I fully support the need for critical scrutiny when it comes to investment platforms. It’s understandable to be cautious, especially in a landscape where not all companies prioritize transparency. However, I want to assure you that Splint Invest is built on clear values, with transparency being one of our core principles. The claim that our costs are not disclosed is incorrect. Within our app, you’ll find detailed information for each investment, including a clear breakdown of all associated fees. You can also read more about our fee structure here: Fees and Costs Explained.

Additionally, for those interested in understanding our legal framework, please refer to the following link: Legal & Regulatory Framework.

My goal here isn’t to persuade you to use our platform—that’s a personal decision influenced by many factors, including your own assessment of alternative assets such as art, cars, wine, and more. Like any investment, there are risks involved, with illiquidity being a significant one. Unlike traditional assets like stocks and ETFs, the tokens of alternative assets can be more challenging to sell. It's wise to only invest money you won’t need for the next 10 years and to wait until maturity if possible.

I hope this helps clarify any concerns. If you have further questions, I’m happy to discuss them with you. Feel free to book a call with me here: Book a Meeting.


I never dig deeper but for me it's just a craze. By investing in these products, you will have very little diversification.
On top of that, you have to pay 2% of the sale value when it's done, which is not cheap. And finally, there are also variable costs for storage and insurance, which are not disclosed but included in the buy price.
Dear Baptiste

It’s amusing that you find our 2% exit fee steep and our fees opaque - yet you’re all for companies like Swissquote and Yuh, where investors get the joy of paying extra for tax reports. And let’s not forget, instead of investing directly in assets, you often end up with structured products issued by Swissquote, complete with their own hidden fees wrapped up like a surprise gift.

Cheers to transparency, right?
It’s amusing that you find our 2% exit fee steep and our fees opaque - yet you’re all for companies like Swissquote and Yuh, where investors get the joy of paying extra for tax reports. And let’s not forget, instead of investing directly in assets, you often end up with structured products issued by Swissquote, complete with their own hidden fees wrapped up like a surprise gift.

Cheers to transparency, right?
I find your comment amusing since I use IBKR where we are talking about fractions of percent. The only reason I recommend Swissquote is because some people want to have a Swiss broker. And even Swissquote is only charging 2% in the worst case, not on average. And I only recommend ETFs, definitely not structured products.