Maximum legally allowed stock percentage for 3a


Hi all,
I decided to go with the highest tier of stock allocation for my Finpension 3a savings.
I had a single 3a depot at Finpension with 100% (or actually 99%) stocks.
Now I wanted to create a second one to optimize for future withdrawals and wanted to do a second 100% stock depot.

Finpension only allows it if I confirm that with other depots at other banks the total % of stocks in my 3a savings is not going above 85%.
Is there a law for this? Are we really not allowed to go over 85% over all 3a savings, or is this just heavily discouraged because of the high risk?

I couldn't find definitive answers online. There is a article from VZ here that writes "the law allows up to 50% stock, but for those with higher risk tolerance it can go higher", but there are no sources or additional information.

I'm fine living with the higher risk, less fine with getting into some kind of troubles when doing so.


UPDATE on 01.04.:
I've mixed up creating a vested benefit account with just creating a new 3a portfolio. In Finpension you can create a new portfolio when swiping to the right in the 3a account, and not by "add a new product" on the main level. Creating a new 3a portfolio doesn't require any confirmation of max. 85%. Thanks to @Baptiste for pointing it out in the answers below.
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Hi Michael

Interesting. I never saw this on Finpension 3a, but I know that this is a warning about their vested benefits offer. So maybe they implemented it in their 3a as well. Or did you create a vested benefits account by mistake?
* In their vested benefits offer, you can only invest higher than 85% if the total allocation across all your accounts is below 85%.

There is no stock limit for the 3a. VIAC also lets you invest up to 99% in stocks, and several others let you reach high limits.

There is a limit for foreign currency exposure. But this limit is at the foundation level. This means that individuals can still go over the limit as long as the foundation itself is below the limit. This is how Finpension allows a custom strategy fully in USD for instance.

For the 3a, I would not worry about it.
@Baptiste, you were exactly right, I accidentally clicked on the Vested Benefit option (didn't create it yet due to the question in the end popping up). I haven't figured out yet how to open actually a second 3a on finpension, can only create a vested benefit account when clicking on "add new product".
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@Baptiste, you were exactly right, I accidentally clicked on the Vested Benefit option (didn't create it yet due to the question in the end popping up). I haven't figured out yet how to open actually a second 3a on finpension, can only create a vested benefit account when clicking on "add new product".
From the web interface, you should first go into the 3a (NOT open new product). And then, you should be able to create a new portfolio. I don't know exactly the name of the option because I already have 5, but it should be somehow evident.
From the web interface, you should first go into the 3a (NOT open new product). And then, you should be able to create a new portfolio. I don't know exactly the name of the option because I already have 5, but it should be somehow evident.
Indeed, it didn't realize this option exist, had to swipe to the right within the 3a to create a new portfolio. That worked now flawlessly, also with 100% stocks. Thanks for your help!

I added a note to the initial post as well.